Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Different strategies Essay Example for Free

Different strategies Essay Using guidelines on viewing, interpreting, and evaluating visual imagery, examine a visual image for its meaning. Develop a written analysis and evaluation of the image. The image viewed is that of a building plan of the library. The image contains lines and boxes and labels of the different sections of the building. The image is presented as a whole and viewing it as separate sections would likely destroy the meaning of the image. The image also communicates to the viewer the whole structure of the building and one viewing it can identify his/her spatial location in the building. The image is able to tell the viewer that the building is large, has several entrances and exits, it also tells one the nearest comfort room, librarian’s desk and where a specific book, journal or material is located. Generally, the image is simple and straightforward and is able to communicate to the viewer important information about the library. Explore how different texts require different reading strategies. Select a novel chapter, a textbook chapter, a magazine article and a web page, and engage each text and take appropriate notes. Then, reflect on how the different texts call for similar and different strategies. Taking notes when reading a chapter from a novel is difficult to do, it’s that we have been trained to read a novel as a complete story, and the notes I had were incomplete and did not really tell me what the story is about, it was just a set of conversations I found interesting. Reading a textbook chapter is different because it contains a lot of information and the text is arranged to focus on one topic, hence my notes were many and upon reading it, it was actually a summary of the textbook chapter. A magazine article calls for light reading, and unless one is really looking for specific information, nothing is there for me to take notes. Most of the information in magazine articles is commonsense and opinionated and one is moved to argue against the article or agree with it. Reading a web page is similar to the magazine article, however, one notices that the message is incomplete or there are more articles related to it that taking notes is impossible but one web page leads to another. Reread one of your recent essays. How does the writing show that you thoroughly understood your subject, met the needs of your audience, and achieved your writing purpose? I believe that my essay was able to communicate that I had a good understanding of my topic because the thesis statement was focused and enabled the reader to identify the direction of the essay. Moreover, the essay provided a brief but information-rich discussion of the topic and its background. Then it proceeded to present my arguments and it was backed by existing information from reliable sources. I also was able to provide an alternative argument so that the reader would be given the opportunity to agree or disagree with my arguments. I then finished it with a short summary and conclusion and an invitation to the reader to engage in the same. Review the wording of a recent writing assignment. What are the key words, restrictions, and options? What does the description tell you about the purpose, audience, form, and assessment of the writing? What strategies from this chapter would you use to get started? A recent writing assignment I completed was the personal essay about the most influential person in my life. The key words for the assignment were influential person, inspiration and learning. Since it was a personal essay the only restrictions was that names should not be used, although one could identify the relationship of the person to the writer. The option given was that in the event that one could not identify a person, then it could be a personal experience. The writing assignment implied that it was going to be a personal essay that the use of first person is allowed and that it was casual and emotional and the purpose is to share with readers a very personal part of my life. I would be able to use the brainstorming exercise, as well as the dialogue writing and how to convey emotions in what we write.

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