Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A Review of Job Satisfaction, the Influencing Factors and Consequences

A Review of Job Satisfaction, the Influencing Factors and Consequences of Job Satisfaction Introduction Job satisfaction has been gaining attention from both researchers and managers, especially due to the contemporary proliferation of the idea recognising the significance of people in terms of achieving competitive advantage and sustainability in organisations. The purpose of the essay is to review factors influencing job satisfaction and consequences attributing to job satisfaction after reviewing some understanding of the meaning of the term and the reasons why job satisfaction is widely studied. Literature Review ï  ¬ The meaning of job satisfaction and the attractiveness for studies It is relevant that the meaning of job satisfaction is reviewed. Job satisfaction can be simply defined as the level at which employees have a positive feeling to their jobs (Agho et al. 1993, p. 1007). Another definition by spector (1997, p. 2) emphasises that the term â€Å"job satisfaction† should include both positive and negative sides (Spector, 1997, p. 2). In this case, the term â€Å"job satisfaction† explicitly points out that the job satisfaction is a continuum with entirely satisfied and not satisfied at all at the two extremes. Importantly, job satisfaction can be the outcome of the employees’ general perception of the job as a whole or specific feeling towards different aspects of the job. And the overall job satisfaction cannot be regarded as the result of calculation of satisfaction levels concerning different aspects of the jobs Among different job attitudes elements, job satisfaction is of outstanding importance and even viewed as the central element (Saari & Judge, 2004, p. 396). As other elements of attitudes, the nature of job satisf... ...atisfaction and individual performance’, Academy of Management Review, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 712-721 Saari, L. M. & Judge, T. A. 2004, ‘Employee attitudes and job satisfaction’, Human Resource Management, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 395-407 Seashore, S. E. & Taber, T. D. 1975, ‘Job satisfaction and their correlates’, American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 333-368 Spector, P. E. 1997, Job satisfaction: application, assessment, causes and consequences, Sage Publications, Inc, California Spencer, D. G. & Steers, R. M. 1981, ‘Performance as a moderator of the job satisfaction-turnover relationship’, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 511-514 Tett, R. P. & Meyer, J. P. 1993, ‘Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, and turnover: path analyses based on meta-analytic findings’, Personnel Psychology, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 259-293

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